Our Projects

We make things that mean something.

Latest Projects



He said: Of all the things my amazingly talented wife has created, this is definitely in Tier 1 in my book. Wow! This is my aunt’s childhood violin. She wanted to take it out of the case it’s been in for years and turn it into a piece of art. Recognizing Brianna’s...

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Wooden Animals

Wooden Animals

He said: What do you remember getting for gifts as a kid? Do you still have any of those things? One of our kids wanted an alpaca for Christmas (or birthday?). Well, of course, a live alpaca wasn’t in the cards but I did just happen to get a new to me scroll saw...and...

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He said: I’m looking at the picture of this book case wondering how the heck the bottom shelf is empty. Well, let me tell you, it isn’t now. (Also, that ugly green carpet, barf!) We were doing some rearranging and finding it hard to find a good place in our room for...

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Home Decor

Mountain Wall Hanging

Mountain Wall Hanging

He said: I remember when he was just a wee little boy, my cousin. Then, he was all growd up and getting married. The Flatirons (look it up if you don’t know) near Boulder, Colorado have stood watch over so much of his life. Given the wedding occasion, would you expect...

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Kitchen Floor

Kitchen Floor

He said: With so many of these home projects, there are very few pictures of the before because, well, frankly, I don’t even want to remember the before lol! The demo of the old floor was almost as much work as putting down the tile. The ugly laminate tiles came up...

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Our Garden

Our Garden

sw The lasagna method. That’s how I was taught to prepare a garden. So, a year ago I hacked down a bush in the back corner of the yard and framed up a 24’x16’ plot. Here’s where the lasagna part comes in… We laid down a layer of newspaper, covered it with a good thick...

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Personal Style

UV Alert Bracelets

UV Alert Bracelets

He said: Most of us don’t realize the effect the sun can have on us until we’re digging for the aloe… One day, we left the house for somewhere having a nice conversation along the way. While driving east down the interstate that late Spring morning, the conversation...

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Family Jewelry

Family Jewelry

He said: Jewelry has been around a looong time and has been worn for many reasons. In fact, this made me curious so I went and read a little history. I think, though, there is no better reason to adorn oneself than as an outward expression of love. As always, Brianna...

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Wedding Band

Wedding Band

He said: Jewelry making is not my strong suit. This operation was simple enough though. Because of the mount on the engagement ring, the wedding band couldn’t just slide up next to it. So, I had to figure out how to notch out a space. Being the first time working with...

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Office + School

Creative Salvation Podcast

Creative Salvation Podcast

He said: We listen to a lot of podcasts, together and separately. And from that, we have lots of good conversations about a wide range of things. So, we thought we should share some of our conversations in hopes it might spark some for other people. It’s fun being...

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Traveler’s Notebooks

Traveler’s Notebooks

He said: Have you figured us out yet? I can do some things with wood; pretty one-dimensional. Brianna, on the other hand, vastly multi-dimensional. So many talents in so many subjects. I’m in awe of stuff like this. I think -- I KNOW -- this is why I married her!  She...

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Smartphone & Tablet Stands

Smartphone & Tablet Stands

He said: I had a mishap with a power tool when prototyping this. It wasn’t pretty. When I said we need to go to the hospital, my amazing wife immediately took action and took such great care of me! I live life with a growth mindset so I learned my lesson, adjusted my...

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He said: Of all the things my amazingly talented wife has created, this is definitely in Tier 1 in my book. Wow! This is my aunt’s childhood violin. She wanted to take it out of the case it’s been in for years and turn it into a piece of art. Recognizing Brianna’s...

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Wooden Animals

Wooden Animals

He said: What do you remember getting for gifts as a kid? Do you still have any of those things? One of our kids wanted an alpaca for Christmas (or birthday?). Well, of course, a live alpaca wasn’t in the cards but I did just happen to get a new to me scroll saw...and...

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Mountain Wall Hanging

Mountain Wall Hanging

He said: I remember when he was just a wee little boy, my cousin. Then, he was all growd up and getting married. The Flatirons (look it up if you don’t know) near Boulder, Colorado have stood watch over so much of his life. Given the wedding occasion, would you expect...

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He said: I’m looking at the picture of this book case wondering how the heck the bottom shelf is empty. Well, let me tell you, it isn’t now. (Also, that ugly green carpet, barf!) We were doing some rearranging and finding it hard to find a good place in our room for...

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Wheelchair Ramp

Wheelchair Ramp

He said: Accessibility is an issue. Over the last couple years that phrase has become an experience. While it's not always convenient, we can usually choose to avoid less/non accessible public places. However, it's not so easy to just choose a different home when it's...

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He said: WIth almost everything I make, I get the satisfaction and fulfillment in the process (learning, creating, accomplishing). There’s very few things I really feel I need to keep. I had built a low to the ground platform style bed but it was seriously not...

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Weddings + Events

Our Wedding: Birdcage Veil

Our Wedding: Birdcage Veil

He said: This is her. This is my wife. I love it when her personality manifests into something you can see. This veil is a perfect example of that. I think my only contribution was holding a piece while it was hot-glued. When she was walking across the field towards...

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Our Wedding: Invitations

Our Wedding: Invitations

He said: This is another great example of Brianna’s incredible talent for creating attractive designs that also capture the spirit of the people. Granted, this is us so that might seem trivial but I dare you to design your own wedding invitations. Go ahead, try it! I...

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Wedding Band

Wedding Band

He said: Jewelry making is not my strong suit. This operation was simple enough though. Because of the mount on the engagement ring, the wedding band couldn’t just slide up next to it. So, I had to figure out how to notch out a space. Being the first time working with...

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Advent Candles

Advent Candles

He said: We always hear it and say it: it’s the simple things in life that mean the most. Well here’s an example. She wanted an Advent wreath but traditional wreaths aren’t really her thing. We bounced around some ideas and came up with this. I headed to the garage...

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Family Christmas Ornaments

He said: It’s always interesting to see how people decorate their Christmas trees. Prim and proper. Eclectic. Real. Really fake. Classic. White or colored? Tinsel. Fake snow. Stars. Angels. Each and everyone is unique. They are a reflection of the family. I love how...

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Halloween 2018

Halloween 2018

He said: Welp, it’s been over a year since we did these ones so let’s see…. As with all the Halloween costumes, this is like 99% Brianna’s doing. Glow in the dark paint for the skeleton, a breeze for her. Pineapple? No problem. The kids loved them! She said: I love...

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Batgirl + Sally Costumes

Batgirl + Sally Costumes

He said: The theater costume designer talent sure shines whenever it gets the chance! I think the most I contributed to this was a bunch of complaining about glitter tulle, lol! Oh, actually, I remember helping pick out just the right bat symbol. I like to say...

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Pokemon Go Trainer

Pokemon Go Trainer

He said: Gotta catch’em aaauhaallll!!! Yeah, we play Pokemon Go. This girl isn’t one to just follow along so she picked her own team color! For this one, if I did anything I certainly don’t remember! It was fun watching Brianna work her magic on the custom hat and...

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