Inspired Jewelry

She said:

I love making jewelry, and I love it even more when there’s meaning behind it. I started a practice of making myself a necklace or a bracelet with the word or phrase I am working on or praying over or asking for — actually, full disclosure, it started with Sharpie on my hand/wrist and eventually graduated to jewelry. I found it is so effective to wear the reminder of it, to see it over and over when I need it most. Plus, it’s pretty and people ask about it…which gives me a chance to tell the story, explain why it matters.

He said:

I love how Brianna not only makes attractive jewelry but merges it with meaning and depth. I am impressed every time by the choices of hardware and how she combines them in beautiful ways. And, of course, her way with words is magical. Succinct, yet powerful and inspiring.

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Heartfelt and handcrafted.



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