Sofa/Lap Table

He said:

I have an engineering degree — I’m trained to solve problems. The problem was presented and I designed a solution. We attempted to make it height adjustable by using a pipe clamp but honestly it doesn’t work well (or probably at all lol). The swivel action is nice as long as the floor is level. Though, moving it with a glass of liquid on it is not advised! I believe this was a Jacoben stain, classic. Bri added some wise words in her fancy handwriting and this one is a permanent fixture in our home.

She said:

Before we were married, I complained a lot that my living room was too small for an actual coffee table or end table. Okay, the living room furniture may have been the real issue. But I love my purple couches. My sweet husband-to-be decided to get creative with some pipe and made this AMAZING sofa table! The whole thing is adjustable height, so I could move it wherever I needed it, and the top swivels so I could move it aside to stand up. We still use it as a handy table between our sofa and recliner! Oh, and of course I had to write all over it.

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