Wedding Band

He said:

Jewelry making is not my strong suit. This operation was simple enough though. Because of the mount on the engagement ring, the wedding band couldn’t just slide up next to it. So, I had to figure out how to notch out a space. Being the first time working with silver, I just went with the ‘ol grinding bit on the Dremel. Given the situation, I took my time and checked it plenty. Turned out pretty good!

She said:

I knew I wanted to make my own wedding band. I also knew that I didn’t want to invest in all the equipment and materials I would need to make a silver ring from scratch. Enter Etsy. I found a plain sterling silver band, and made it my own from there. I put it on my ring mandrel and hammered it, giving it a great texture and a little more depth. I then stamped our “d <3 b” into the side of it, and had to hand it over to Dustin to cut out a notch to seat my engagement ring. It worked perfectly, and my rings fit together beautifully. I keep thinking I should order another one to make without the notch, in case I need to wear just the band and not my engagement ring…but I am a little obsessed with my engagement ring and can’t seem to go without it.

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