Owl Costume

He said:

Well, this is quite a while ago at this point but oh so memorable!  Like so many things, a handmade item is special and stamps in a long term memory. Gwen still talks about her Owl Costume and how Brianna made it! I think I actually had a small hand in this with some cutting duties but the design and execution credit all goes to the creative one here!

She said:

I’ve made handmade Halloween costumes every single year since Aisling was born. That’s a LOT of costumes! I love doing it. In fact, it’s the only thing about Halloween I actually like besides all the Snickers bars I get to steal as payment for making said costumes. Gwen was SO excited when she realized I could make her costume this year, too! It was a lot of fun, and I have to say, she makes one adorable owl. 

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Heartfelt and handcrafted.



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