Family Christmas Ornaments

He said:

It’s always interesting to see how people decorate their Christmas trees. Prim and proper. Eclectic. Real. Really fake. Classic. White or colored? Tinsel. Fake snow. Stars. Angels. Each and everyone is unique. They are a reflection of the family. I love how as the years pass, the melding of our family is reflected in our tree and its handmade ornaments.

She said:

It’s become a tradition for me to make handmade ornaments every year for our tree and to give to our family members. They’re always different, and most of them include photos of the kids. My favorite part of decorating the tree each year is pulling out these ornaments, and watching them grow year by year. And of course the stories behind each one! (Ask Arabella about the blood spots on the stitched ornaments from 2015.)

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