Bronco Wall Art

He said:

Once again, the thoughtful, handmade gift hits the mark. The kid is a pretty big Broncos fan and I had recently got a new (to me) scroll saw. Brianna helped me cut out a stencil with her super secret Cricut thingy. I learned some things about scrolling: speed, TPI, blade thickness, wood hardness and thickness. I had a small panic moment after I was done cutting — I dropped it and popped off a chunk on the left end. I was able to salvage a bit of it and glue it back together. Birthday boy didn’t care and was so excited to get it!

She said:

Against my better judgment, I agreed to help make this Broncos logo. (Can’t quite talk him into becoming a Steelers fan.) It was a fun project, something we’d never attempted before! I am pretty quick with creating vector images and running things through the Cricut, so my part in this was pretty easy. It was interesting to lay the stencil, though, and determine which bits would be cut out and which needed to stay solid in order to maintain the integrity of the piece and not have it fall apart!

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Wooden Animals

Wooden Animals

He said: What do you remember getting for gifts as a kid? Do you still have any of those things? One of our kids wanted an alpaca for Christmas (or birthday?). Well, of course, a live alpaca wasn’t in the cards but I did just happen to get a new to me scroll saw...and...

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Heartfelt and handcrafted.



He said: Of all the things my amazingly talented wife has created, this is definitely in Tier 1 in my book. Wow! This is my aunt’s childhood violin. She wanted to take it out of the case it’s been in for years and turn it into a piece of art. Recognizing Brianna’s...

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Wooden Animals

Wooden Animals

He said: What do you remember getting for gifts as a kid? Do you still have any of those things? One of our kids wanted an alpaca for Christmas (or birthday?). Well, of course, a live alpaca wasn’t in the cards but I did just happen to get a new to me scroll saw...and...

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