Kitchen Floor

He said:

With so many of these home projects, there are very few pictures of the before because, well, frankly, I don’t even want to remember the before lol! The demo of the old floor was almost as much work as putting down the tile. The ugly laminate tiles came up pretty easy only to reveal an even older and uglier linoleum. The linoleum was, of course, glued down and because it was old and brittle it just chipped off in little pieces so it took forever to remove. 

This is the first tile job I’ve ever attempted. It was a learning experience for sure. Thankfully I had help from an experienced friend! I got the floor prepped and cleaned and he helped me get the underlayment put down and a start on the tile; if you’re reading, THANK YOU!. It’s a slow process which makes it a pain to operate in the kitchen. These are pretty big tiles, 12”x24”, and I didn’t realize until after the fact that the big tiles really accentuate any unevenness in the underlayment. With smaller tiles you can conceal those problems easier. So, while everybody rants and raves about how awesome the floor is, I mostly notice where I could have done better. Also, tiling is back-breaking — I was sore for a week. If/when I tile again, it will be small jobs only!

She said:

This was one of my favorite home transformations we did. Mostly because this tile is GORGEOUS and the parquet-style laminate before it was pretty awful. It was totally worth having no kitchen for a week. This tile job really made a major upgrade in how our kitchen looks and feels! Sure, they may be a few uneven spots here and there, but all I see is the beauty of it — and all the hard work that went into it that week!


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