
He said:

Brianna was doing a show and needed a backdrop to show her Painted Prayers. I think the theme for the show was Country Livin’ or something. Not exactly our style. But, how can 100 year old barn wood from the prairies of good ol’ SoDak be anymore country!? I had to spend some time cleaning off the dirt-straw-poop conglomeration stuck to most of the boards but as with all the projects with this wood, the final product is awesome looking. It’s actually built in two sections that have latches to hold them together. It was a bit of a rushed project so before it gets used again, I’ll need to redo the stands on the back that hold it upright. During setup at the show, i looked around at some of the other booths…this one easily stood out as the most attractive and creative. And not because of the backdrop! Wink-wink!!

She said:

I had a booth at a women’s trade show here in town back in October. I was trying to put it together with fairly short notice, scrambling to design flyers and handouts and plan the layout of the booth. I mentioned to this amazing man o’ mine that I needed to figure out a way to hang some paintings from the backdrop of the booth, which was just a flimsy curtain provided by the venue. He checked his wood stash, and in no time flat whipped me up this GORGEOUS barnwood backdrop! It’s beyond beautiful, and worked perfectly for the booth! I was stunned. And proceeded to tell every visitor to my booth that my incredible husband made it…because everyone commented on it.

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