Bottle Openers

He said:

Just a weekend afternoon collaboration with the wifey.  Cherry is such a pretty wood. This was the first project where I really used the router table in bulk. I fashioned up a prototype, perfected the production sequence, and cranked out a bunch of cut, drilled, and sanded blanks. The talented person in the duo cleaned, assembled, and applied her magic to really make these special!

She said:

This was a fun little “what if” kind of project that accidentally got kicked into overdrive. We were fiddling with some ideas on creating some fun Father’s Day gifts, and combined a few ideas we found online to come up with this concept. We made two together — him doing the cutting and configuring, and then me attacking them with my wood burner and some oil. They turned out awesome! We picked up some supplies to make a “few” more. I spent a couple hours at a friend’s house, drinking wine probably, and when I got home there was seriously a stack of over TWENTY on my work table. My guy kept himself busy while I was gone, apparently! Although, that’s usually the way it goes. Anytime I leave the house, I inevitably come home to new construction.

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Wooden Animals

Wooden Animals

He said: What do you remember getting for gifts as a kid? Do you still have any of those things? One of our kids wanted an alpaca for Christmas (or birthday?). Well, of course, a live alpaca wasn’t in the cards but I did just happen to get a new to me scroll saw...and...

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He said: Of all the things my amazingly talented wife has created, this is definitely in Tier 1 in my book. Wow! This is my aunt’s childhood violin. She wanted to take it out of the case it’s been in for years and turn it into a piece of art. Recognizing Brianna’s...

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Wooden Animals

Wooden Animals

He said: What do you remember getting for gifts as a kid? Do you still have any of those things? One of our kids wanted an alpaca for Christmas (or birthday?). Well, of course, a live alpaca wasn’t in the cards but I did just happen to get a new to me scroll saw...and...

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