Gifts Projects


He said: Of all the things my amazingly talented wife has created, this is definitely in Tier 1 in my book. Wow! This is my aunt’s childhood violin. She wanted to take it out of the case it’s been in for years and turn it into a piece of art. Recognizing Brianna’s...

Wooden Animals

He said: What do you remember getting for gifts as a kid? Do you still have any of those things? One of our kids wanted an alpaca for Christmas (or birthday?). Well, of course, a live alpaca wasn’t in the cards but I did just happen to get a new to me scroll saw...and...

Mountain Wall Hanging

He said: I remember when he was just a wee little boy, my cousin. Then, he was all growd up and getting married. The Flatirons (look it up if you don’t know) near Boulder, Colorado have stood watch over so much of his life. Given the wedding occasion, would you expect...

Mermaid Blanket

He said: We all love blankets. Our littlest especially does. For reasons of ignorance I suppose, I remember thinking that making a blanket sounds so daunting. But, of course, the talented one made it look so dang easy. This personalized gift is slept with every night!...
Wooden Animals

Wooden Animals

He said: What do you remember getting for gifts as a kid? Do you still have any of those things? One of our kids...

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Mountain Wall Hanging

Mountain Wall Hanging

He said: I remember when he was just a wee little boy, my cousin. Then, he was all growd up and getting married. The...

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Mermaid Blanket

Mermaid Blanket

He said: We all love blankets. Our littlest especially does. For reasons of ignorance I suppose, I remember thinking...

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Scrolled Name

Scrolled Name

He said: This is another awesome combined effort on a personalized gift. Clearly we know who did the hand-lettering on this one. With the thin lines here, it was necessary to use a pretty hard wood like maple (which is used in bowling pins and basketball court floors)...

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Bronco Wall Art

Bronco Wall Art

He said: Once again, the thoughtful, handmade gift hits the mark. The kid is a pretty big Broncos fan and I had recently got a new (to me) scroll saw. Brianna helped me cut out a stencil with her super secret Cricut thingy. I learned some things about scrolling:...

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Grandkid Photo Display

Grandkid Photo Display

He said: Simple and meaningful. Those are the best gifts. Here’s another great example. I go to the backyard wood pile and she goes to the crafting desk. Twenty minutes later, voila! Somehow, the perfect piece of wood always presents itself for projects like this. I...

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Branch Shelf

Branch Shelf

He said: A while back on our Facebook page, we asked what project we should do next. One person picked this and that person’s birthday happened to be coming up; so guess what that person got for a birthday present!? The boards are from the blue stain pine stash and...

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Date Night Jar

He said: Date’s don’t have to be fancy or elaborate. In fact, I think that approach detracts from the idea of a date: to have quality time intentionally focusing on your partner. This jar is full of awesome ideas to just get us in each other’s presence and let the...

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Recipe Box

Recipe Box

She said: Arabella is our baker and future chef extraordinaire. For her 12th birthday, I decided it was time she has her own recipe box, so she can keep track of all the recipes she creates. I took a plain box I got on clearance at Target who knows how long ago, and...

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She said: Our twelve-year-old is quirky and I love it. When we were asking her what she wanted for her 12th birthday, she kept saying she wanted an alpaca. My hilarious husband, always the jokester, decided to give her one. Made of wood. He found a silhouette image...

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He said: Ugh, why is my mug on here?! Get mug... She said: There’s just something about drinking out of a mug that makes you feel instantly cozy and warm. I stopped drinking coffee over a year ago, and I still drink my morning cashew milk out of a mug just to...

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Cake Stands

Cake Stands

He said: Why buy when you can build?! And I’m all about supporting wholesome, engaging activities of our kids’! We all know, too, that a handmade and personalized gift is very meaningful. Although I love woodworking, I prefer the artsy stuff to regular carpentry....

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