Weddings + Events Projects

Our Wedding: Birdcage Veil

He said: This is her. This is my wife. I love it when her personality manifests into something you can see. This veil is a perfect example of that. I think my only contribution was holding a piece while it was hot-glued. When she was walking across the field towards...

Our Wedding: Invitations

He said: This is another great example of Brianna’s incredible talent for creating attractive designs that also capture the spirit of the people. Granted, this is us so that might seem trivial but I dare you to design your own wedding invitations. Go ahead, try it! I...

Wedding Band

He said: Jewelry making is not my strong suit. This operation was simple enough though. Because of the mount on the engagement ring, the wedding band couldn’t just slide up next to it. So, I had to figure out how to notch out a space. Being the first time working with...

Custom Popcorn Bags

He said: Just salt and butter. That’s it. Don’t mess with it. The bags? Yeah, let’s do something cool with those! (We joke about how she always ruins popcorn with some sort of ranch seasoning concoction.)  She said: We eat popcorn like nobody’s business. So of course...
Wedding Band

Wedding Band

He said: Jewelry making is not my strong suit. This operation was simple enough though. Because of the mount on the...

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Custom Popcorn Bags

Custom Popcorn Bags

He said: Just salt and butter. That’s it. Don’t mess with it. The bags? Yeah, let’s do something cool with those! (We...

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Memory Bouquet Locket

Memory Bouquet Locket

She said: The saddest part about our wedding day for me was the fact that my grandfathers weren’t able to share it with us. They both passed away five years ago (eight months apart). Grandpa (my mom’s dad) actually walked me down the aisle at my first wedding, and it...

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Our Wedding: Signage

Our Wedding: Signage

She said: I love creating signage. Whether it’s digitally designed or hand-lettered, I love doing it. I picked up some blanks on clearance at Michaels for our hand-lettered signs, and printed the big ones that I designed to match our invitations. Dustin built large...

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Wedding: Painted Flowers

Wedding: Painted Flowers

She said: I was a spray-painting fool the weeks leading up to our wedding! The neighbors must have all thought I was crazy, spray painting vases and flowers and baskets and who knows what else in our driveway. Some of the flowers I made from paper or coffee filters....

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Wedding: Custom Hangers

Wedding: Custom Hangers

She said: I thought about making my own wire hangers, but I found these gorgeous wooden hangers on Amazon for a crazy good deal. I decided that each of us needed our own personalized hanger -- so mine said “bride” and each of our daughters’ dress hangers bore their...

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Wedding Centerpiece Coasters

Wedding Centerpiece Coasters

He said: These are some beautiful slices of wood! Sweet find! And they fit right in at our wedding out in the Hills. I appreciate and admire the amount of work Brianna put into making our wedding so very personal! She said: I don’t even want to know how long I spent...

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