Creative Salvation Podcast

He said:

We listen to a lot of podcasts, together and separately. And from that, we have lots of good conversations about a wide range of things. So, we thought we should share some of our conversations in hopes it might spark some for other people. It’s fun being able to share and inspire. Also, I know Brianna somewhat secretly loves playing with the techie side of all the things that go into producing a podcast. Give it a listen, won’t you?!

She said:

I’m basically obsessed with podcasts. I listen to them all the time, and I love the convenience of having a list of conversations and interviews lined up at any given moment. I’ve done podcasts in the past, and I’d been getting the itch to get back into it. We decided to start one for Painted Prayers. Most of the conversations are between the two of us, but I have conversations with other friends, family, even our oldest daughters. We tackle a wide range of topics in the realm of faith and creativity, and living a faith-filled life. It’s been hard to stay consistent with it, especially with my health, but we’re gearing up to release some new episodes soon! Check it out at — and let us know what you think!

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