Family Jewelry

He said:

Jewelry has been around a looong time and has been worn for many reasons. In fact, this made me curious so I went and read a little history. I think, though, there is no better reason to adorn oneself than as an outward expression of love. As always, Brianna beautifully melds words and materials to create simple but meaningful pieces of jewelry that are more valuable than any amount of karats.

She said:

Remember those old-fashioned mother’s rings? We mamas love to keep our babies close to us, and jewelry has always been a fun way to do it. Those rings, though. Not my style. So I started making metal stamped jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets) for me and lots of other mamas I know. They make great gifts, and who doesn’t love something that lets them brag up their babies?! I just think it’s such a sentimental and meaningful thing to wear! (Even my girls’ stepmom and my stepkids’ mom have one! Because our kiddos can never have too much love!)

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Heartfelt and handcrafted.



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