Love Shelf

He said:

Oh, how love is a journey. And, it seems, this sign-shelf thingy is a physical manifestation of that. Born during new love. Moved around. Extra meaning acquired. Adventures in the Hills. Touched by those who support love. A centerpiece of life. Built with 2×6’s, it’s a large and substantial piece that I had to be diligent in constructing. Yet, it has its flaws (can you kind of see how it leans?). I’ve had to repair it. Still, I wouldn’t change a thing.

She said:

So, quick background. When the girls and I went through some BIG stuff with God before Dustin and I started dating, we heard a powerful message in church about altars. In ancient times, people would stop to build an altar when God did something miraculous, so they’d never forget it. We knew we had some big stuff to mark, so we put a little shelf in the entryway to our (miracle) apartment and put some things on it that reminded us of where God had taken us. Dustin and I started dating, and he made me this “LOVE” shelf as a beautiful gift — and the girls and I immediately decided it was our new altar shelf…since Dustin was another of our miracles. He left it unpainted because he said he wanted to see what I would come up with for it. It ended up being used in lieu of a guestbook at our wedding — with inked fingerprints of all those who’ve touched our lives and been part of our journey.

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