Our Wedding: Invitations

He said:

This is another great example of Brianna’s incredible talent for creating attractive designs that also capture the spirit of the people. Granted, this is us so that might seem trivial but I dare you to design your own wedding invitations. Go ahead, try it! I remember her asking for my thoughts on some certain parts of the design and I’d gladly provide input. I know this kind of thing is not in my wheelhouse so I appreciated her asking me but then doing the right thing by her eye anyway. I’m seriously in awe of these invitations. These things belong in some wedding magazine or something.

She said:

From the beginning of planning, we knew it was important to keep the focus of our wedding where it belonged: God, our love, and our family. In that order. Getting to design my own wedding invitations was overwhelming; I’ve designed DOZENS for other couples, but too many ideas had been tucked away through the years and I couldn’t decide what direction to go with them. Finally, I just started designing, and I really love how they turned out! We made them really personal, writing a love note to everyone we invited and explaining WHY they mattered enough to get an invite. We also included a prayer that we wrote for our relationship, and of course photos of our crazy family-to-be!

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Heartfelt and handcrafted.



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