Scrolled Name

He said:

This is another awesome combined effort on a personalized gift. Clearly we know who did the hand-lettering on this one. With the thin lines here, it was necessary to use a pretty hard wood like maple (which is used in bowling pins and basketball court floors) so that it doesn’t snap apart under its own weight. This was only my second real scroll job and if you look close you can see I’m still learning this craft. (We’re always our own toughest critic, aren’t we?) Some added flair and this really is one of the cutest things we’ve put together!

She said:

I just adore this piece! I loved free-handing the lettering on it, and I’m pretty sure I literally squealed when Dustin brought it in from the garage after he cut it out. ADORABLE. It’s whimsical and fun and perfectly fits my niece’s personality. I loved seeing this come to life, from my sketched writing to the scroll saw to the oiled finish to the final wire-wrapped heart. I was a little nervous about giving a 5-year-old something that was NOT a toy, but she loved seeing her name and getting to put it in her room!

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Wooden Animals

Wooden Animals

He said: What do you remember getting for gifts as a kid? Do you still have any of those things? One of our kids wanted an alpaca for Christmas (or birthday?). Well, of course, a live alpaca wasn’t in the cards but I did just happen to get a new to me scroll saw...and...

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Heartfelt and handcrafted.



He said: Of all the things my amazingly talented wife has created, this is definitely in Tier 1 in my book. Wow! This is my aunt’s childhood violin. She wanted to take it out of the case it’s been in for years and turn it into a piece of art. Recognizing Brianna’s...

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Wooden Animals

Wooden Animals

He said: What do you remember getting for gifts as a kid? Do you still have any of those things? One of our kids wanted an alpaca for Christmas (or birthday?). Well, of course, a live alpaca wasn’t in the cards but I did just happen to get a new to me scroll saw...and...

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