Tetris Shelves

He said:

She wanted shelves but my go-to certainly isn’t brackets and MDF. Once again, putting in the effort to think about the target audience led to a much more engaging and meaningful piece. I tried to measure these out so they would actually stack but I was off somewhere on some of them. But, Brianna said they are gonna be on the wall and you won’t be able to tell…ok, fine. Building these led to a wish list of tools. More clamps (always more clamps), router with keyhole bit, square brackets, accurate miter saw. Getting there!!

She said:

My amazing husband found a way to pay homage to my bizarre love of tetris — by responding to my request for office shelves with, “how about tetris shaped ones?” Be still my heart. Seriously the nerdiest (coolest) shelves in the history of ever.

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Heartfelt and handcrafted.



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