Valentine’s Painting

He said:

Brianna and I often think alike. Like, exactly alike. At exactly the same time. However, when it comes to painting, lol, we do not take the same approach. Perhaps it’s my lack of fine motor skills but my “style” tends to be harsh while hers is smooth and graceful. Looking at this collaborative Valentine’s Day painting now, I can specifically remember how those styles mashed. It’s actually difficult to put in to words, to describe how much is going on here. Amazing! BTW, it was chicken fettuccine alfredo with sun-dried tomatoes. Also, amazing. 

She said:

Best. Valentine’s. EVER. It was our first Valentine’s Day together, and we decided to stay in. I cooked something marvelous, naturally, and we decided to experiment with a collaborative painting. It was so much fun, and such an unexpectedly intimate experience! Strange how much something like this can be a soul-baring exercise, but we really connected over it. Our finished painting is a beautiful, bold movement of color that very much reflects who we are as a couple. I love it. 

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