Wedding: Painted Flowers

She said:

I was a spray-painting fool the weeks leading up to our wedding! The neighbors must have all thought I was crazy, spray painting vases and flowers and baskets and who knows what else in our driveway. Some of the flowers I made from paper or coffee filters. Some of them I inherited from friends who had recently gotten married. Some I picked up at yard sales. But by the end of it, they were all bright and beautiful and well matched to our teal-and-orange color scheme. And I might have been a little loopy from the fumes.

He said:

If some day we sell our house, the buyers are just gonna have to accept a colorfully stained garage floor and driveway. As much as I love nature, I really appreciate leaving the flowers in the ground and going this route! Plus, it would be crazy expensive to get these awesome colors!

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Heartfelt and handcrafted.



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