Wooden Spool Coffee Table

He said:

Got several wire spools from <REDACTED>. Thanks, man! They were sitting in the driveway during our summer garage sale and I had to keep shooing people away. This particular one seemed perfect for a coffee table type function. The base is just too huge and unnecessary for this application so I trimmed it down using a jigsaw and circle attachment. Unfortunately, the wood was so thick that the jigsaw blade flexed as it curved and it ended up not being a clean cut. Definitely functional though. The markings on these things are what make them cool so no stain on this one. I did pull out the staples and cleaned off the stickers though. Finally, I added four wooden feet that are smooth and rounded so it slides across the carpet very nicely. 

She said:

I love all the different projects that are possible with these wooden wire spools. When we got three from a friend, this big one immediately begged to be turned into a table of some sort — outdoor, coffee, something. We decided not to stain or paint it because of the cool markings on the top. But once we dragged it into our living room, it was clear that it just doesn’t fit in here. Sad day. It’s still waiting to find its purpose.

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